Hi, I’m Jerome 👋🏾

But I’m more affectionately known as Jay. I’m a home cook, UX Designer @ Microsoft, and full-throttle change-maker based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Let’s build a more delightful tomorrow together!


Case Studies

Contact me to see more recent work! hi@jaykendrickjr.com

An Immersive concept for Live Nation.

We were tasked with establishing user needs and creating a mobile prototype that allows live music fans to buy and attend shows and festivals remotely. #ConceptProject

Level up your political game with Votr.

A responsive web app aimed to engage and inform voters on current elected offices, their responsibilities, and the candidates they’ll vote for on election day. #Hackathon

This case study will be available soon! View the Global Report in the meantime.

A holistic solution for the Tmro mobile app.

We were engaged to create a knock-out feature for TMRO. A recently launched mobile app that connects creative freelancers with potential clients. #ClientProject


About Me

Nine Years Visual Design Experience.

I am a seasoned graphic designer with invaluable experience working with clients to build their brand identity. I've leveraged the power of design tools and principles to create logos, build publications, customize illustrations, and design product packaging for non-profits, small businesses, and startups.


600+ Hours of UX Instruction.

I recently completed intensive training (spanning thirteen weeks) specializing in UX/UI Design principles led by industry vets. I had the opportunity to metamorphose my graphic design skill-set into tackling design thinking, product teamwork, research, interface design, scrum and agile methodologies, usability testing, analytics, and so much more.


Client-Centered is My Middle Name.

My years working in retail and foodservice have given me unique insight into how we operate as humans. And with each season of new merchandise and every chef's special, I became a product expert. I learned each offering's ins and outs to provide a robust experience for my clients. Empathy, clear communication, and developing iterative improvements based on feedback all have their place in my toolbox.

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Interested? Let’s Build Together!

For a closer look, check out my resume. And if at any point you get that tingly gut feeling, reach out!


Let's connect!

Send me a love letter. Or a formal inquiry. I’m not opposed to either!

Need a bit more control? Email me: hi@jaykendrickjr.com